Open-source data for use in energy/environment models using REST web services and JSON format data.
The server responds to these queries with (required|optional) parameters:
DataSets (|PRETTY): a list of available data sets including required parameters and date last updated.
List (|PRETTY): a simple list of available data sets without any additional info.
Info (SET|PRETTY): information about the dimensions of a particular data set.
Countries (|PRETTY): information about the list of supported countries (ISO3 codes and names).
Data: (SET, ISO3|SERIES, DIM1, DIM2, PRETTY) data for a particular data set, some data sets may also take SERIES, DIM1 or DIM2 parameters.
Some examples: - Get human-readable list of the data sets. - Get information on the parameters and options required for the "Population" data set (the U.N. Population Prospects). - Get time series data from the U.N. Population Prospects data set (medium variant) for Argentina (ARG) - Get human-readable data from the World Development Indicators for data series EN.CO2.TRAN.ZS (% of fossil CO2 emissions from transport) for the USA.
Queries and parameters are not case sensitive. By default, responses are in the form of JSON formatted data. Optional parameter "Pretty" shows data in a human-readable format.
LEAP Data server developed by Charlie Heaps of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
Copyright © Stockholm Environment Institute, 2022-2025.