Script Editor

Menu option: Advanced: Edit Scripts
See also:
Automating LEAP with the API

The script editor is used to edit, interactively debug and run scripts that automate LEAP and connect it with other Windows programs using standard  COM Automation programming techniques.  The script editor uses Microsoft's Windows Script technology.  More information on Windows Script is available here.

The script editor supports multiple windows scripting (programing) languages. In addition to BASIC (VBScript) - the default language - which uses files with extension .vbs, .vbe, .vb and .bas, the script editor also supports JScript (.js or .jscript), Python (.pys) and Perl (.pls) files.  The styling features of the script editor automatically adjust to support each of these languages once a scripting file is opened or created.  The language is detected automatically when you open one of these files based on its extension.  The active scripting language is displayed in the caption of the script editor.

The script editor is divided into three panes.  

The Script Editor includes an auto-complete feature that helps you to include references to LEAP API objects in your scripts.  When typing a period after an object, LEAP pops up a dialog box showing all of that object's properties and methods. The popup box includes documentation for each method including the list and type of any required parameters. LEAP can deduce the type of a variable assigned to LEAP objects enabling code completion to work in most situations.