Fuel Groupings

Menu Option: General: Fuel Groupings
See also: Fuels, Fuel Grouping Names

When producing energy balances and other reports, it is sometimes useful to be able to show results aggregated across types of fuels (for example, showing all oil products rather than each individual product). To allow for this, LEAP lets you assign a grouping to each fuel.

The color column shows you the color and pattern with which any results for a fuel grouping will be displayed.  You can also use the Color Palette button () to switch the color palette being used.  This will affect all of the colors on this screen and in all of the charts displaying results.

Use the Add () button to add a new grouping and the Delete button () to delete a grouping. Note that you will not be allowed to delete any groupings currently assigned to a fuel in your Area. You can also reorder the list using the Up () and Down () buttons.

You can specify up to four different named sets of fuel groupings.  Use the Set Names button at the top of the screen to define these named sets.  Use Set selection box at the top of the screen to select among these sets. Use the Export to Excel () button to export the groupings to an Excel spreadsheet.