Module Properties

See also: Analysis View, Transformation Analysis, Specifying Capacity Data, Process Properties

Use the Module Properties screen to edit the name and set the properties of each Transformation module. These settings will determine which data are shown in the Analysis View, and how the module will be treated during LEAP's calculations.  Notice that some settings will only be visible when other settings have been chosen. In particular, when you choose Simple Non-Dispatched Module, most other settings will be hidden.  

Simple, Non-Dispatched Module

Check this box if you wish to create a Simple Non-Dispatched Module.  This is used in cases where you have one or more independently dispatched processes, each of which has its own output fuel.  This type of module is particularly useful when you want to represent transport losses in a number of different fuels.  For this type of module, the separate output fuels branch category  is not used. Instead, you pick the output fuel for each process on the efficiency or loss tab.  For more information, see the schematic diagrams of simple modules and standard modules.

Please note that once you have created a simple module, it is not possible to change it to become a standard (detailed) module or versa.  If you create a module of the wrong type, you will need to delete it from the tree and then recreate it.

Types of  Data to Include

Use these settings specify which types of data are to be entered for the module.

Enter Efficiency Data As

Use this box to specify how efficiency data is to be entered: as a percentage thermal efficiency (i.e. energy output per unit of energy input), as a heat rate (i.e. energy input per unit of energy output), or as a percentage loss. Note that when using heat rates, all processes must be specified with the same units (e.g. TOE/MWhr).