The View Bar

See also: Main Menu , Main Toolbar

LEAP is structured as a set of different "views" of an energy system. These are listed as graphical icons on the "View Bar", normally located on the left of the screen. Click an icon in the View Bar to select one of the views. In some cases, the system may need to calculate scenarios before the view is displayed. If you are working on a low resolution screen, we suggest that you hide the View Bar to make more space on the screen. Use the menu option View: View Bar to do this. Thereafter, you will need to use the View menu or the mini View toolbar to select different views.

The Analysis View is the place where you create your data structures, models and assumptions in LEAP. In the Analysis view, the screen is divided into three panes. On the left, a hierarchical tree is used to create and organize data structures under four major categories Key Assumptions, Demand, Transformation and Resources. The tree is also used to select the data to be edited, which is shown on the right of the screen. For example, clicking on the "Electricity Generation" tree branch on the left of the screen, will display the data for that module on the right of the screen. On the top-right of the screen, a data entry table is used to edit data and create modeling relationships. The information you enter here is displayed graphically in the bottom-right pane.

The Results View displays results in detail for all parts of the energy system. It can be used to create a wide variety of charts and tables covering each aspect of the energy system: demand, transformation, resources, costs, and environmental loadings. Reports can be viewed for one or more scenarios and can be customized in a wide variety of ways. You can also use the "Favorites" option to bookmark the most useful charts for your analysis.

The Energy Balance View displays the results of your calculations as a standard energy balance table,  chart or Sankey Diagram. Energy balances can be viewed for any year of any calculated scenario or region and can also be customized for example to display different layouts or to use different energy units.

The Summaries View is a general purpose tool with which you can create your own customized tabular reports. Reports can include any data variable or results value as well as your own commented subheadings. This view is also used to access the special cost-benefit summary report, which summarizes the costs and benefits of scenarios compared to a chosen baseline scenario.

The Overviews View is used to group together "Favorite" charts created earlier in the Results view. With Overviews, you get a birds-eye view of different important aspects of the energy system, such as costs, environmental impacts, and resource requirements. You can create multiple named Overviews, each of which can display up to 10 different Favorites.

TED: The Technology and Environmental Database provides extensive information describing the technical characteristics, costs and environmental impacts of a wide range of energy technologies available internationally or in particular developing country regions. The database includes information on existing technologies, current best practices and next generation devices. The first version of TED includes data on approximately one thousand technologies, referencing reports by dozens of institutions such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , the U.S. Department of Energy, and the International Energy Agency, as well as data specific to energy technologies found in developing countries. In addition to its quantitative data, TED also includes qualitative information pages that review the availability, appropriateness, cost-effectiveness and key environmental issues for a wide range of energy technologies. TED's core database can be edited or supplemented by a user's own data.

The Notes View is a simple word processing tool with which you can enter documentation and references for each branch of the tree. To edit the notes, either type directly into the Notes Window, or select Edit to display a larger window with additional word-processing features. Notes can include formatting (bold, underline, fonts, etc.) and can also include standard Windows "objects" such as spreadsheets. Use the Print and Print All buttons () to print one or all of the notes or the Word buttons () to export one or all of the notes to Microsoft Word.