Data Pages
See also: TED
TED data pages contain quantitative information about a technology. Data screens are divided into resizable panes. At the top you see a screen in which you can view and edit the data. At the bottom you see a pane which is further vertically split into two resizable panes. On the left is a box for viewing and editing a set notes associated with each technology. On the right is a screen for associating one or more bibliographic references with each technology. To edit the notes, right-click and select Edit to display the notes in a larger window, which includes a basic set of word processing controls. Notes can include formatting (bold, underline, fonts, etc.) and can also include standard Windows "objects" such as spreadsheets. To edit the list of References, use the New (), Add (
)and Delete (
) buttons to link to the References database.
The top pane consist of up to five tabs:
General: Use the General page to indicate what types of data are specified for each technology, and to specify basic information about the technology, such as its applicability (the country or region in which the technology is utilized), development status (current average best practice, prototype, next generation, etc.), lifetime and construction time. Depending on the what types of data are checked on the General page, some or all of the other data tabs will be displayed.
Energy Demand lists the fuels consumed, and the annual energy intensity of the technology.
Energy Conversion: (available only for energy conversion technologies) lists the fuels consumed and produced by the plant as well as the efficiency, and capacity of the plant.
Pollution Control Data (available only for pollution control technologies). For technologies such as scrubbers or filters designed to reduce emissions from other technologies, specify the fuels consumed in the technologies to which the controls are attached, and the loss of energy efficiency in the energy technology caused by attached control. Finally, using the Add (
) and Delete (
) buttons, add one or more controlled effect to the pollutant reduction box, and specify how much of the uncontrolled emission is eliminated in percent.
Costs lists the capital and operating and maintenance costs of a technology. Capital costs can be specified as either base or total capital costs (the latter term includes interest charges).
Environment lists the environmental loadings associated with a technology; for example how much CO2 is emitted per unit of fuel consumed, produced or lost. You can change the standard units in which the data is reported by right-clicking on the effect and selecting denominator units. For energy conversion technologies, you can also select the basis for measuring the effect (i.e., whether it is specified per unit of energy consumed, produced or lost) by right-clicking and selecting "Effects per Unit of..." Double-click an effect to view or edit each loading in more detail on the environmental loadings screen. Notice that you can specify environmental loadings in different units, and TED will report them back in standardized units (e.g., kg/TJ). When specifying environmental data for energy technologies, you may link to up to three pollution control technologies using the control technologies screen.