Indicator Functions

See also: Analysis View, Expressions

The RegionIndicator and ScenarioIndicator functions are used to compare indicators across regions and scenarios in a LEAP analysis.  LEAP supports many different kinds of comparative indicators, which are described below.  

To use an indicator, pass its name or numeric value as the first parameter to the RegionIndicator and ScenarioIndicator functions.   

The supported indicators are described below:

ZScore = (value - mean) / standard deviation

ReScale = (value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum)

RatioToHigh = value  / maximum

RatioToLow = value  / minimum

RatioToReference = value  / reference

RatioToMean = value  / mean

RatioToMedian = value  / median

DifferenceFromHigh = (value  - maximum) / maximum

DifferenceFromLow = (value  - minimum) / minimum

DifferenceFromReference = (value  - reference) / reference

DifferenceFromMean = (value  - mean) / mean

DifferenceFromMedian = (value  - median) / median

if value > mean * (1 + Threshold) then  

AboveBelowMean = 1

else if value  <  mean  * (1 - Threshold) then

AboveBelowMean = -1


AboveBelowMean = 0

For more information on constructing composite indicators, we recommend this paper: Handbook on Constructing Composite Indicators: Methodology and User Guide (OECD, 2005)