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    Topic: biofuel transformationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 7/5/2009


    dear Charlie,
    In leap model for my region, I want to make a scenario that consist for bio-diesel and bio-ethanol transformation. would you like to give some short tips to make that kind of transformation?

    thank you.
    warm regards
  • Anibal Dobrusin 7/8/2009
      Best Response



    Some tips from demand to resources

    1) Demand: There is Gasoline Premium, Gasoline.
    a. Create new fuel: GasEt10 (it will be 90%gasoline 10%ethanol)
    b. Add this fuel in transport sector, below gasoline
    c. Fuel share, in current account , is 0%

    2) Transformation
    a. Create mix center
    b. Output: GasEt10
    c. Inputs: Gasoline, Ethanol
    d. Input fuel share: 90% Gasoline, 10% Ethanol

    3) Transformation
    a. Create ethanol plant
    b. Output: Ethanol
    c. Input: Cane Products (Create new fuel Cane Products)

    4) Resources
    a. Fill Yield tab for Cane Products (to avoid import)


  • Rahmat Al Hasibi 7/13/2009
      Best Response


    thank you anibal, good tips...thanks
  • Dilip Khatiwada 9/8/2010
      Best Response



    I am a beginner in LEAP; I will be very happy to receive answers in the following:

    1. What the expression GrowthAs(key/Income,1.1) as appeared in passenger-km expression in REF scenario in Freedonia of LEAP tell. What is the meaning of term 'key' here ? how we project econometric service demand in the transport sector including population growth, GDP, and elasticities.

    2. In the scenario development for alternative fuels, how do we construct the expression for bioethanol or biodiesel blend such as E10/E20/B10/B20 in the LEAP. And, how to segregate renewable (e.g. ethanol) and fossil(petrol or diesel) part in the total energy demand. I hope the total energy demand (fossil plus renewable) will remain the same provided that the fuel economy (GJ/km)is supposed to be constant.

    3. I would be grateful if you could suggest me the expression for renewable blends penetrated over the time in vehicles,for example, E05 (2010-2015), E10 (2015-2020), E15 (2020-2025) etc. Please note here that E05 represents a blend of the transport fuel with ethanol:5% and petrol:95% by volume.

    Thanking you !


  • Tory Clark 9/8/2010
      Best Response


    Hi Dilip,

    I'll respond to your questions individually.

    1. The "Key" refers to an independent variable that has already been defined in the "Key Assumptions" section of the tree. In this case, the expression is saying that passenger-km will grow as Income grows with an elasticity of 1.1. If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you read through the training materials that go along with the Freedonia dataset, which will walk you through how to create each expression.

    Training Materials: http://tinyurl.com/LEAP-Training-Materials

    Note that you can always get more information on a particular expression by clicking on the Builder tab on the bottom right portion of the LEAP window.

    2,3. There are a couple ways to model fuel blends in LEAP. I suggest looking over the following forum posts first where other users have had similar questions. Please let me know if you have any lingering questions after that.

    Post 1: http://tinyurl.com/253v36s

    Post 2 (corrected): http://tinyurl.com/26u7xs7



  • Dilip Khatiwada 9/8/2010
      Best Response


    Hi Tory,

    Thanks a lot for prompt response and fruitful suggestions.

    By the way, i could not see the post appeared in

    Sure, i will let you know if i have more questions as i proceed ahead with modeling in LEAP.

    Best Regards,

  • Tory Clark 9/8/2010
      Best Response


    Hi Dilip,

    I apologize for the broken link. Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/26u7xs7
