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    Topic: LPG substitution for wood fuelSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zoran Miljanic 8/4/2009



    I have a problem with understanding results concerning GWP CO2eq that LEAP derived.
    As a mitigation measure for households, I tested LPG substitution for wood fuel hoping that it would lead to decrease in emissions (GWP CO2 eq). But I did not get expected results. The mitigation idea is quite simple, a part of energy derived from wood is substituted by the same amount of energy derived from LPG. Total demand is the same in both scenarios (reference and mitigation). Where am I wrong?
  • Nicolas Di Sbroiavacca 8/6/2009
      Best Response


    Dear Zoran,

    In LEAP you have the possibility to link Wood emissions to Biogenic CO2, and oil derivatives to NON Biogenic CO2 emissions.
    Regarding the mitigation messures you are testing, the substition of Wood by LPG will result in an increase in NON Biogenic CO2 emission (due to more LPG consumption) and a decrease in Biogenic CO2 (due to a decrease in Wood consumption).
    When you ask LEAP to compute emissions in terms of CO2 equivalent, the model sum up the NON Biogenic CO2, plus N2O and CH4 from Biogenic and Non Biogenic energy sources. So it doesn`t consider Biogenic CO2 in this figure.
    This calculation is made following the IPCC guidelines, which set that Biogenic CO2 emissions (mostly from biomass), are compensated by the CO2 captured during the grow period of the biomass, in that sense the emissions from biomass are neutral.
    I hope that this could help you.
    Best regards,
    Nicolas Di Sbroiavacca
    Fundacion Bariloche
  • Zoran Miljanic 8/7/2009
      Best Response


    Thank you Nicolas,

    I've noticed the difference in emissions from wood and LPG concerning the CO2 nature, but I did not know the reason for that. Thank you for clearing up that for me.

    Best regards.