> I wld like to learn if I can work with LEAP for just a single existing thermal power plant individually as applying mitigation projects and scenarios, wld you pls kindly reply?
It is possible to do this, but I would not recommend it. The benefit of using LEAP really comes from analyzing an integrated system in which you combine a demand side analysis of energy consumption in different sectors with a supply side analysis that look at (for example) different possible scenarios for an entire electric system.
There IS a fairly significant amount of learning involved in becoming expert with LEAP and I am not sure you would find that justified if all you wanted to do was to study a single power plant.
Maybe the question to ask yourself is: what questions am I trying to answer? Are they:
* Should the power plant be built? (in which case an integrated analysis using something like LEAP probably IS worthwhile).
* Where should a plant be sited for least environmental damage (in which case perhaps you should be using a siting model like the ECOSENSE tool developed for the European EXTERNE project).
*What alternative generation options make sense (try looking at the RETSCREEN model).
I hope this helps,