• 100 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: What does "End year urbanization" mean ?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Phuong Thu 12/29/2009


    I dont' know why all value "End year urbanization" are equal ( = 45 ) from 2000 to 2030.
    Can you please explain me!
    Many Thanks ^^
  • Charlie Heaps 1/2/2010
      Best Response


    > I dont' know why all value "End year urbanization" are equal ( = 45 ) from 2000 to 2030.
    > Can you please explain me!

    Hi there,

    I think you are referring to the expression "Interp(2030, 45)" in the Freedonia data set for the Urbanization fraction for households in the Reference scenario. I hope that is correct.

    This expression works in conjunction with the expression entered in Current Accounts for the Urbanization rate in 2000, which is set to a simple number 30 (percent).

    The Reference scenario expression should be interpreted as meaning that by 2030, the urbanization fraction will have grown to 45 (percent) from its base year value of 30% in 2000. In the intervening years (2001-2029) the urbanization rate is Interpolated bewteen the two data values so that it grows linearly. For example, in the exact mid year (2015) the urbanization rate will be (30+45)/2 = 37.5%. You can verify this by looking at the chart below where the Interp expression is entered.

    The Interp expression is one of the most useful in LEAP since it lets you enter data for any number of years and LEAP will use a simple interpolation function to fill in guessed values for any missing years. For example, you might enter:

    Interp(2005, 30, 2010, 35, 2030, 45).

    For more information on using and understanding the Interp function take a look here:


    I hope this helps!
