Hi Rick,
Dispatch rules are intended to model preferences for running existing power plants. In the case of self-generation (or distributed generation), I would recommend creating a new module rather than trying to use dispatch rules.
Transmission and Distribution losses will likely not be applied to distributed generation (DG) since electricity is consumed on-site. I would recommend representing this by creating a separate module called "Self-Generation" (Transformation/Self Generation) and place it above Transmission and Distribution (T&D) in the list of transformation modules.
NB: The order of modules in the tree is important because it reflects their position in the sequence of energy flows through an area. Thus, transmission and distribution modules are normally placed near the top (close to Demand), conversion modules such as electricity generation are placed in the middle, and primary resource extraction modules are placed at the bottom of the list. In this case the Self-Generation module would need to be placed above T&D so as to not have those losses applied. For more information on Transformation in LEAP, please see the user guide documentation here: http://tinyurl.com/y5wfwpy
If DG is modeled in this way, it is important to set up capacity limitations on electricity modules which are higher in the tree. To do this you can set the variable "Output Properties" in electricity output fuels to "Requirements remain unmet" - this means that electricity requirements which are not met by DG are left for other modules below them.