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    Topic: survival lifecycle profile in exercise 5Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Xiong Yilong 11/16/2010


    Dear Tory:
    I am confused about "existing car stocks" and "car survival" in the LEAP Training Exercises English 2010(exercise 5 a transportation study:page 50-51). Are they have same meaning?
    In User Guide for LEAP Version 2008, Stock = (Sales*Survival),on page 87, "Survival" in the function is "existing car stocks" or "car survival" ?
    Both "existing car stocks" and "car survival" should in the analysis or I can choice one of them ?
    Please explain User Guide for LEAP Version 2008(page 80):
    On the Demand Branch Properties screen, you select one of two basic approaches for entering stock and sales data. Either:
    1. You enter the base year stock of devices and specify a lifecycle profile describing the age distribution of vehicles within that stock, together with the sales of devices in the base year, or
    2. you specify historical sales in the years up to the Base Year, and a survival lifecycle profile describing the average fraction of vehicles surviving as they age.
    Base year stocks of devices are then calculated automatically based on the sales and survival rate data.
    I am really grateful for your help!
    Best Regards
  • Tory Clark 11/17/2010
      Best Response


    Hi Xiong,

    The choice on the demand branch properties screen is the difference between doing a "stock" analysis or a "transport" analysis. In Exercise 5, we are doing a transport analysis.

    "Existing car stocks" and "car survival" are both survival profiles, meaning both are entered on the General: Lifecycle Profiles screen. In this specific case, "existing car stocks" is a distribution profile which affects car stocks, while "car survival" is an aging profile which affects car sales.

    Read more about this distinction on the HTML user guide documentation here: http://tinyurl.com/33e7ysh

    Let me know if you have any further questions.


  • Xiong Yilong 11/24/2010
      Best Response


    Hi Tory:
    When I see the result of PM10(Environment: Particulates (PM10)) I found "tonnes CO2 Equivalent" on the left of the picture. What is the "tonnes CO2 Equivalent"? Why PM10 is related to CO2?
    What's more,"denominator" also on the left. What can "denominator" do with the PM10 results?
    Best Regards ^_^
  • Tory Clark 11/24/2010
      Best Response


    Hi Xiong,

    Both of the units that you are referring to are only displayed and have no bearing on calculations.

    In the case of "CO2 equivalent," this is currently a bug when displaying environmental loadings in LEAP results view. In this case, the calculations are correct, but the y-axis unit does not display correctly (it always says CO2e). The specific loading (e.g. PM10) is correct in the show pane on the top bar. In your case the correct units should be "tonnes Particulates (PM10)." This display issue will be addressed in an upcoming release of LEAP.

    The "denominator" unit is just a placeholder in case a unit had a denominator (tonnes CO2e/person). You can ignore it when you are using a unit that does not have a denominator.


  • Tory Clark 2/9/2011
      Best Response


    The "CO2 equivalent" bug has been fixed in the latest version 2008.0.0.94 that was uploaded today. To see what other bug fixes were included, see the What's New page below.


