Dear Tory:
I am confused about "existing car stocks" and "car survival" in the LEAP Training Exercises English 2010(exercise 5 a transportation study:page 50-51). Are they have same meaning?
In User Guide for LEAP Version 2008, Stock = (Sales*Survival),on page 87, "Survival" in the function is "existing car stocks" or "car survival" ?
Both "existing car stocks" and "car survival" should in the analysis or I can choice one of them ?
Please explain User Guide for LEAP Version 2008(page 80):
On the Demand Branch Properties screen, you select one of two basic approaches for entering stock and sales data. Either:
1. You enter the base year stock of devices and specify a lifecycle profile describing the age distribution of vehicles within that stock, together with the sales of devices in the base year, or
2. you specify historical sales in the years up to the Base Year, and a survival lifecycle profile describing the average fraction of vehicles surviving as they age.
Base year stocks of devices are then calculated automatically based on the sales and survival rate data.
I am really grateful for your help!
Best Regards