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    Topic: Training Exercise 1 - learning LEAP - help?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Alan Ingel 1/2/2011



    Tried to do Training Exercise (english pdf), and used LEAP version 2008.0.0.90 (today updated to .93).

    But can't even get throw first tabel i have to compare (page 17 on pdf). Have worked with computer from childhood, but can't do this correctly. Numbers on the tabel given, on the row 2000 are all right, but in the 2030 row, they are wrong.
    I started the exercise all over, and took my brothers laptop, downloaded "Freedonia LEAP data set" and checked step-by-step that my "Freedonia" is exactly the same as the downloaded file. But still the second row, in the pdf file, page 17 is incorrect.

    So can anyone help me? What I'm doing wrong? I uploaded my files here: http://kylm.net/alan/?dir=LEAP

  • Tory Clark 1/4/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Alan,

    First of all, the Freedonia dataset from the website (FreedoniaEX1.leap) should match up well to the results on table 17 of the pdf. Check to make sure you are using the same units as in the table (Million Gigajoules).

    Secondly, I've looked at your files and you seem to be pretty close. The first file (New Freedonia.leap) is the closest to the correct results so I will give feedback on that file.

    It will be easiest to troubleshoot this if you create a structure like that in the materials, so it may be helpful to add the key assumptions variables as suggested by the materials. This is not necessary to get the same results but will make the formulas more straight-forward.

    It looks like all of your urban demand data is the same, so no problems there. The rural reference data on the other hand is a bit different. The current accounts data for the year 2000 is the same, so we know that there is a difference in inputs for the reference scenario inputs. Since all of the rural values in 2030 are different, it is likely a difference in one of the higher level assumptions. I suggest going back to those assumptions and checking them.

    Let me know if you continue to have issues.


  • Alan Ingel 1/5/2011
      Best Response


    The dataset from the website matches up exactly like it should. So the units are correct.

    Data for the year 2000 I get always correct, but 2003 is quite much wrong... I have checked the higher level assumptions repeatedly, but have not found any mistakes. Even compared the Freedonia dataset form the website, wich seems to be the same...

    So I'm at dead end, and don't know what to or check.
  • Tory Clark 1/5/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Alan,

    I'm not sure I see how your dataset matches exactly with the one on the website, since the results are different. Going through your model in more detail, I see two differences that seem to correct for the errors in results that you are seeing. There are two instances where you used "Saturation" as a unit, when the more appropriate unit is "Share." These two units are easily confused so it is important to understand the difference.

    Shares should be used only where activity levels for adjacent branches need to sum to 100%. LEAP calculations require that shares always sum to 100% across immediately neighboring branches.

    The Activity level for Urban and Rural Households should be "Shares" rather than "Saturations" because houses can only be one or the other, so Urban + Rural households should sum to 100%. To fix this, change the units for those two branches and change the expression for Rural households to "Remainder(100)".

    Similarly, the Activity level for Electrified and Non-electrified Rural households should be shares because, again, households cannot be both electrified and non-electrified. You can fix this error in the same way as the issue above.



  • Alan Ingel 1/9/2011
      Best Response



    Thank you very much. I corrected the fist one, and now it is correct. But I changed "Basic Parameters --> Years", like they are on the example, not like it said on the training exercise.

    In second leap file, there were this things OK. Second was the one, which I did exavtly like the example. First one tried to do myself.
  • Tory Clark 1/10/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Alan,

    I am glad to hear that you are improving your results. I'm a bit confused as to what you are referring to when you say:

    "But I changed 'Basic Parameters --> Years', like they are on the example, not like it said on the training exercise."

    When I look at the training materials (http://tinyurl.com/LEAP-training) on page 10 I see the instructions to use a base year of 2000, which implies a first scenario year of 2001, and an end year of 2030. Can you give me more details on the difference between the materials and the dataset. If there is an error on our part I would love to know about it so it can be corrected.


  • Alan Ingel 1/14/2011
      Best Response


    If I do everything only like it is said on the training exercise, then it means that in the "Basic Parameters" --> "First Scenario Year" will be 2006 and "First Depletion Year" will be 2005 (default numbers). In that case, my numbers still don't match with the ones given in table on page 17.

    However, in the FreedoniaEX1.leap "First Scenario Year" is set to 2001 and "First Depletion Year" is 2000. If I change these settings to (in the training materials, there are not any words of changing these settings) then i get correct answers.
  • Tory Clark 1/14/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Alan,

    Can you tell me what part of the training materials is leading you to assume that the First Scenario Year should be 2006? Are you using the English-language training materials (linked in my previous post)? Please tell me a page number and language of the training materials that you are using.

    Your second method of using the base year of 2000 and first scenario year of 2001 is the correct way to match results up with the training materials.


  • Alan Ingel 1/15/2011
      Best Response


    I'm using English materials.

    "Review the General: Basic Parameters screen () and set the base year and end year for the analysis. Choose 2000 as the base year and 2030 for the end year. Also enter 2030 as the only default year for time-series functions (this will save you time later on when specifying interpolated data). On the scope screen, you can initially leave all of the options unchecked since we will start by only conducting a demand analysis. All other options can be left at their default values."

    Last sentence said that all other options can be left at their default values.

    But yeah... I already get what i did wrong. So many thanks for helping me :)
  • Tory Clark 1/15/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Alan,

    I see how that would be confusing. Thanks for the feedback.
