Dear Sirs,
I am a new LEAP user and at the moment I am working hard to be a familiar with LEAP calculating possibilities.
At the same time I would like to ask a guideline about the task I am trying to solve with LEAP, which is the part of my PhD thesis. The guidelines from the experienced users/program composers will help me a lot.
Let me introduce the issue of the task.
For the time being I have investigated and analysed different Estonian energy sector planning scenarios, taking into account different energy production technologies and fuel. I would like to make a calculations for those scenarios at different CO2 quota price levels (EUR/t). The main point is to find a relation between quota price for scenarios and on of the macroeconomic factors of Estonia (GDP, etc).
My question:
Does LEAP provides possibilities to evaluate the impact of different CO2 quota prices to country macroeconomic factors for different energy sector planning scenarios?
What are the most reasonable steps to reach the targets?
With best regards,
Jyri Kleesmaa