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    Topic: Excercise 1 of excercise manual for LEAPSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Garrett Tobin 2/17/2011


    Hi im doing the excercises as part of a assignment in my course in college. Ive done most of it and obtained the correct results but i just finished the reference scenario for the transformantional analysis and the graph i have is slightly different my processes are correct but in different places as i didnt specify them in the exact order set out in the manual, i was wondering if this matters (even though i doubt it does). My main query is the "New Coal Steam" process which appears on the graph to begin in 2004 (in the excercise manual) but as specifed in the instructions should begin in 2010 with an intial load of 500MW followed by 1000MW in 2020. This is what is shown on the graph i produced from following the instructions and im just wondering of its correct as it differs slightly (New Coal Steam only) from the one presented in the manual. Is it a mistake in the manual or am i missing something.Thanks.
  • Tory Clark 2/17/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Garrett,

    The order of processes does not matter, as you had guessed. The order you see is the same as the order of branches that you set up in Analysis view.

    And it looks like you may be confusing retirements with additions. The specific capacity mentioned (i.e. exogenous capacity) is referring to retirements. The new coal steam plants will be added to meet future demand and replace retired plants (i.e. endogenous capacity).



  • Garrett Tobin 2/17/2011
      Best Response


    Thanks for the reply. Thats really helpful information and im quite surprised by the quickness of your response,thanks.If its not too much trouble and your still online could you tell me where the TED button is (the symbolshown in the manual)ive been trying to find it for at least 90 minutes but that symbol doesnt seem to be anywhere. I have checked the boxes marked "energy sector environmental loadings"" and "non-greenhouse gas loadings" but am unaware of where the TED button is located. Thanks again for your help its much appreciated.
  • Tory Clark 2/17/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Garrett,

    The TED button is available in the Environmental Loadings tab in the current accounts scenario. This tab is only visible if you have chosen to include environmental loadings in the General: Basic Parameters: Scope screen (which it sounds like you have).

    In that case, the environmental loadings tab will be found at the lowest level of the tree (i.e. technology branches on the demand side and fuel branches on the transformation side).

    If you want to read more about the environmental loadings functionality in LEAP, please see the user guide documentation:



  • Garrett Tobin 2/18/2011
      Best Response


    Thanks for your help you've saved me alot of time. Could you just verify for me whether it is necessary to "insert data" or just "insert link to TED."
    The maunal instructions seem to suggest the latter but the picture shown on the right hand side of the page hase the former highlighted. Ill try not to bother you again, this assignment was given so id gain familiarity with software (which i painstakingly have) on my own.Again thanks for your help.Actually its ok in the meantime ive figured out its "insert data" which makes a hell of a lot more sense anyway.
  • Tory Clark 2/18/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Garrett,

    Usually you will want to "insert data," which pulls static data out of the TED database. The "insert link to TED" option would be best if you had intentions of later changing the entries in the TED database and wanted to have an active link to those entries.

  • Garrett Tobin 2/18/2011
      Best Response


    Hi was wondering if you could help me, im sriting up the report for excercise 1 but the graph which should be comparing current accounts and reference scenario is comparing current accounts and demand side management. Is there any way of switching this back ive been trying for quite some time.
  • Tory Clark 2/18/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Garrett,

    To avoid confusion, please list the page number and part of the exercise that you are working on.

    If you are talking about p.28 DSM results, you should be comparing reference and DSM.

    By default, in the results view you can never compare only current accounts, since that scenario only holds base year and historical data.


  • Garrett Tobin 2/20/2011
      Best Response


    Hi i was wondering if you could help, me im on excercise two in the excercise manual. I just need to know how you determine the proportion of cars to buses in the road branch.
  • Tory Clark 2/22/2011
      Best Response


    Hi Garrett,

    On page 31 of the training manual in section 2.2.1, the second bullet point gives you the information you need to fill out the chart on the right. This chart will help you to determine total passenger kilometers as well as passenger-km from cars and buses.

    "In the year 2000, cars were estimated to have traveled about 8 billion km; buses traveled about 1 billion km."

