Hi Denis,
I'm having trouble picturing what it is that you mean. When you enter a different load shape for one of your scenarios than for Current Accounts, LEAP assumes that that load shape is an 'end-year goal'. That is, rather than explicitly entering how a variable changes in time over the course of your scenarios, as you would with most variables in LEAP, when you supply a new load curve LEAP takes this to be the curve for the last year of the scenario, and interpolates each point from the baseline system load shape.
The only thing that I can think of to suggest is that you ensure, in the Chart tab of the Analysis view, that you Show: Timeslice values, and that the 'Sort values' button is unchecked. If this fails, you can always (from the main menu, in the Freedonia data set) select Area: Revert to Version: Exercise One Completed to check your results against a completed version of the model that you're trying to create.
Hope this helps,