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    Topic: Electricity Import-ExportSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Giorgi Pirveli 2/28/2014


    Dear Taylor,

    In my research I want to "capture" Seasonality effects of electricity production and consumption in Georgia. Generation is maximum in spring while consumption is minimum during this period. So to project electricity demand and generation it is important that LEAP balances to show Electricity Generation, Import and Export of Electricity.
    I have chosen Load Shapes for Each Device and ticked only electric technologies in Basic Parameters and inserted data in Demand Branch... On the other hand, In transformation branch I have indicated yearly Shapes for different Types of Hydro.. After doing this, i still can not get in Energy Balances import -export numbers it only displays net import, or net export...

    Please explain how to proceed,

    Thank you very much,

  • Taylor Binnington 2/28/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Giorgi,

    See this recent, and similar post (perhaps you are working together?):


    To summarize, LEAP's energy balance view displays only annual results. To view results for each of your time slices, try viewing Transformation:Average Power Dispatched, which will allow you to see the average power used in each time slice, calculated in each year. Remember that this is an *average* power - in each time slice, it is calculated by dividing the generation during that time slice (say, in MWh) by the number of hours during the time slice.

    Hope this helps,

  • Nikoloz Sumbadze 2/28/2014
      Best Response



    Basically what why are trying to model seasonality effects on demand and supply of electricity. For that we chose in basic parameters:loads - load shapes for each device and checked option - "only show load shapes for electric technologies". afterwards for electric technologies in demand tree we applied energy demand:annual energy option and in yearly shapes: shape type we use availability shape (0..100%) option. So we are able to see seasonal development of electricity demand by month (we have 12 time slices). I think we are in good shape in this direction but if any please provide your recommendations.

    On the other hand we came across another issue which we can not solve. maybe there is a bug. So problem is following. when we apply yearly shapes for demand and transformation tree basically in every month (12 time slices) where can be both export and import together or separately. Thus when one will add up monthly export and import numbers in energy balance should show both export and import. however our model only shows net export or net import meaning that for example if in a year there was 50 GWh of Export and 35 GWh of import, our model shows only net 15 GWh of export. while is should show both 50 GWh of Export and 35 GWh.

    Please explain how to proceed.


  • Giorgi Pirveli 2/28/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you for your prompt reply. You are right we are working together. So Mr. Zviadi will follow discussions here.
    The question is that if manually entered and "forcing" to export for example, energy balance 2012 shows that export is -10, import 20 and generation 60. Which depicts the real picture. However when calculating energy balance usually it shows only the net import say 10...


  • Taylor Binnington 3/2/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Giorgi and Nikoloz,

    The Energy Balance view in LEAP is intended only to show net, annual energy flows. If you want to look deeper, you'll have to use Transformation:Imports into Module or use the Transformation:Exports from Module, under Results view. This will allow you to view imports and exports separately, instead of their sum.

    Hope this helps,

  • Ivane Pirveli 3/4/2014
      Best Response


    Dear Taylor,

    I want to express my (may be subjective) opinion and suggest the following:
    According to the most energy balances including IEA energy balances(http://www.iea.org/statistics/statisticssearch/report/?country=GEORGIA&product=balances&year=2010), Export and Import are shown separately, stressing the share of import and export separately from each sources in formation of Total Primary Energy Supply. Maybe it will be really good if LEAP energy balance will have this feature, making it also more compliant with IEA energy balances...

    P.S. I understand that energy balance is for making "snapshot" of energy sector and provide aggregate numbers, however adding export import values separately will not create additional complication of a balance, but does provide better depiction of the export and import dynamics.

    Thank you,

  • Taylor Binnington 3/4/2014
      Best Response


    Hello Vano,

    I think my earlier response may have been incorrect - I really apologize for my confusion.

    In the Energy Balance view, I actually see that both Imports and Exports are displayed separately, if these imports and exports result from different Transformation branches or Resource branches.

    If you're able to, could you please send your LEAP area to me, by selecting 'Email' from LEAP's main menu?



  • Ivane Pirveli 3/4/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    That's ok. I am trying to send to you the file, directly, but it displays error massages, saying that the network is unrilaible. I will back-up the file and send it to you on leap@sei-us.org...

    Thank you for the support,
  • Taylor Binnington 3/7/2014
      Best Response


    Dear all -

    To summarize and close this thread:

    LEAP does not calculate imports and exports for each time slice, it instead calculates the net import or export annually.

    However, you can view imports *in each time slice* indirectly, using the Results view, Transformation: Average Power Requirements Not Dispatched. If the transformation module's output fuel is set to 'Import fuel to meet shortfall', you can assume that these non-dispatched power requirements are then met using imports.
