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    Topic: Dignosetic Message about the exceed the Plant rated availabilitySubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Abdullah Mengal 5/11/2014


    Dear Leap managers

    I am using to find electricity generation requirement for my country. In my model I put 3GW in exogenous capacity for oil and 3GW for natural gas while Historical production of oil plant is 34680GWh while natural gas plant it is 26979GWh for base year 2010.when I calculated the model it give diagnostic error message that current account 2010 (97124400 GJ)exceeded the plant rated availability (75686400 GJ) kindly tell me the solution of the said
  • Taylor Binnington 5/12/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Abdullah,

    This diagnostic message appears when your Historical Production data is larger than your transformation process is capable of producing. In your case, LEAP is warning you that you natural gas plant is not able to generate 97124400 GJ (which is the same as 26979 GWh) in a single year.

    If the exogenous capacity of your gas plant is 3 GW, then if it ran at full capacity all year, you would generate (3 GW) * (8760 hours/year) = 26280 GWh, which is less than the 26979 GWh that you entered in Historical Production.

    Make sure that the available capacity of your plant (available capacity is capacity * 'Maximum Availability') is large enough to support your historical production.

    Hope this help!


  • Abdullah Mengal 5/12/2014
      Best Response


    Dear respected all

    Keeping in view of my problem then what would be its solution ?

  • Taylor Binnington 5/12/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Adbullah,

    You need to ensure that each of your plants has enough available capacity to be able to generate 26979 GWh (gas plant) and 34680 GWh (oil plant) in the year 2010. Adjust your Exogenous Capacity, or the Maximum Availability, or both. Only 3 GW of capacity is not sufficient.


  • Abdullah Mengal 5/12/2014
      Best Response


    Respected taylor

    Thank you for quick response I have solve my above problem of exceeding plant related capacity.Now I have some problems
    1)Like others face as see in discussion that when I view the result for transformation output it shows the same value as for the demand and if I want to shows branches(oil,natural gas,coal, nuclear and renewable) of electricity generation out put it does not show them.
    2)I want to add 81GW in total system like(oil and gas=6GW,Hydro=28GW,Nuclear=5GW, coal=39GW,renewable=3GW Total=81GW)from first simulation year 2011 to end year 2030.Could it be added in endogenous Capacity or else ware.
    3) I want to create some scenarios by varying distribution of these 81GW in the different fuels so what will be procedure whether it will be in endogenous capacity or else ware. thanks

  • Taylor Binnington 5/13/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Abdullah,

    I'll address each of your questions individually:

    1) I don't think that I understand you question. You have said that other users on the LEAP forum have faced the same problem - could you provide a web URL of a forum post where you found a user with the same problem?

    2) If you *know* that 81 GW will be installed by 2030 (for example, if national plans provide this target), then the simplest method would be to enter these capacities for each generation process using the Exogenous Capacity. For example, for Hydro, you could enter Interp(2010,0,2030,28).

    It's possible to accomplish something similar using Endogenous Capacity, but I would first encourage you to read through these pages for a description of both types of capacity:

    3) Again, I think that the simplest way to do this is using the Exogenous Capacity variable. You would just need to modify the expressions that you enter in each scenario.

    Hope this helps!

  • Abdullah Mengal 5/13/2014
      Best Response


    Thanks you Taylor

    1)I have solve my many above problems but still facing some problems that as my demand is about 571000GWh but generation always remain less than that like 541000GWh even added some capacity in endogenous variable.
    2) when I view the result of transformation output (electricity) it displays all years but not the base year value 2010
  • Taylor Binnington 5/15/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Abdullah,

    1) The results that you are seeing could arise for many different reasons. I suggest that you begin looking at different Results views to narrow down the source of the problem. For example, if your transformation processes are not meeting demand, try viewing Transformation:Requirements for your transformation modules, to ensure that energy demands are actually being passed onto the module that is expected to meet those demands. Also check if the difference between your transformation outputs and energy demand are made up for by imports.

    2) Sorry to hear about this. The problem that you point out has been noticed before by a small number of other LEAP users. Often, the problem will disappear if you select Area: Force Whole Area to Recalculate (from the main menu in LEAP's Analysis view), and then view Results a second time. This is a small bug in LEAP which has been resolved in an upcoming release of the software.

    Hope this helps,
