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    Topic: Electricity generation calculationsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ariane Lehman 10/21/2014


    in my electricity generation sub module, i have entered my historical production as well as exogenous capacity for the base year. However, the results show an increase of electricity production although i entered decreasing capacities and the electricity demand shrinks too.
    How should i model a decreasing electricity production?

    Ariane Lehman
  • Taylor Binnington 10/23/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Ariane,

    There are a number of reasons this could happen. Some things to check are:

    1) The Dispatch Rule variable which is assigned to each process in your transformation module. Note that LEAP obeys the Dispatch Rule beginning in the First Simulation Year, at which point any data entered into a process' Historical Production variable is ignored.

    2) The Results view Transformation: Requirements, for the module. If you notice that these, too, are growing faster than you expected, you can work your way up LEAP's tree to identify the module which is behaving in an unexpected way. As an example, even if demand for electricity is shrinking, it may be that an export target, or transmission losses, are growing in a way that causes an increasing amount of electricity to be generated.

    3) The Results view Demand: Energy Demand Final Units, just to confirm that demand for electricity is indeed decreasing.

    Without more information, I can't be certain what the problem is - but systematically working your way through LEAP's results view you should help you to identify it.

    Hope this helps,

  • Ariane Lehman 10/23/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,
    thanks for the answer to my previous question.
    I encountered another little problem.
    In the result view, my charts as well as table do not start in 2010, which is my base year, but in 2011.
    How can i achieve that they show from 2010?
  • Taylor Binnington 10/23/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Ariane,

    Sorry you're experiencing this problem. I've managed to resolve this issue by recalculating results (returning to Analysis, selecting Area: Force Whole Area to Recalculate, and then returning to Results view), or on occasion, closing and reopening LEAP.

    We hope to identify (and fix!) the cause in future improvements to LEAP.

