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    Topic: Emission factors - LEAP 2014Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Gilberto Mahumane 12/17/2014



    Does anyone know where to find the documentation (References) describing TED for the sources: RAND, AEO99, NEA IEA, EPRI TAG, South Africa in LEAP2014?

    I want to use these to estimate emissions from power generation from Coal and Gas plants.

  • Taylor Binnington 12/19/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Gilberto,

    The Technology and Environment Database (TED) contains many different sources which have been added throughout LEAP's development history. It's a good idea to weigh the currency of these sources when selecting appropriate emission factors, especially for new or next-generation power plant technologies.

    In some of our recent projects, we have used emission factors for different kinds of coal and gas plants that can be found in the IEA's Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 (Chapters 8, 9 and 10), now freely available at:


    In addition, we've supplemented the above emission factors with those which can be found in the 2006 IPCC database - especially useful for methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and NMVOCs - available here:


    Note that in the future, we expect to package the IPCC Tier 1 Defaults from the 2006 AR4 into LEAP, but have not yet because the AR2 factors from 1996 are still the industry standard.

    You can use TED's functionality to keep track of these emission factors by adding new branches for each of the coal or gas technologies what you want to represent, and then adding them into your model using the "Add Multiple Effects from TED" button found under the Environmental Loading tab.

    Hope this helps! Though below I've also included the references which you requested, which can be found by clicking General: References in LEAP's main menu.


    EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute. Technical Assessment Guide (TAG). Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, 1993.

    AEO99: US EIA. Annual Energy Outlook. U.S. Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC., 1999.

    NEA/IEA: Nuclear Energy Agency/International Energy Agency. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity, 1998.

    RAND: Bernstein, M.; Bromley, P.; Hagen, J.; Hassell, S.; Lempert, R.; Munoz, J.; Robalino, D. Developing Countries and Global Climate Change: Electric Power Options for Growth. RAND, 1999.

    South Africa: Howells, M.I. and de Villiers, M.G. Sustainable energy for South Africa: Energy and the environment: Part 7. Energy Research Institute, 1999.

  • Gilberto Mahumane 12/22/2014
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Many thanks for your insightful reply.

    Best regards,