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    Topic: Merit order confusionSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Tasnova Jesha 1/21/2015


    I want to design the existing NL energy system in LEAP and then will add wind,solar,hydro energy to show that we can replace the thermal power plant with the renewable sources.

    I have designed the system with the data that I had.But under transformation-electricity generation process the dispatch rule is Used Merit order. I am confused about how the merit order works?

    In process-crude oil, Exogenous capacity is inserted 260 Interp(2030,1055), which implies generation will increase with increasing year. but when I go to results, for all the year the value remains same. But if I select dispatch rule FullCapacity instead of Percent share the result is as expected (but with a diagnostic message).why is that happening?

    My designed file is attached can you please check the file and help me to correct the mistakes(if any).


    Attachments:  NL_plan_2.leap [5]
  • Taylor Binnington 1/23/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Tasnova,

    A process' Merit Order is similar to a priority number - it tells LEAP which processes to use first, second (third, fourth, etc...) to meet the electricity generation module's requirements in a given time slice. Have a look here for details:


    To your second question - capacity is not the same thing as generation, so a larger Exogenous Capacity does not necessarily imply that more crude oil will be processed. LEAP runs a module's processes to meet the module requirements. You can view these requirements in Results view by selecting the Oil Refining module with your mouse, and viewing Transformation: Requirements.

    The exception is if you specify that a process should be run using the FullCapacity rule, in which case the process will be dispatched without regard for the module requirements (this is the cause of the diagnostic message you see when using the FullCapacity rule). For details on LEAP's dispatch rules, please see this help file:


    Hope this helps,

  • Tasnova Jesha 1/27/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    I have some confusion:
    1. The yield option in resources-primary needs the annual availability of the resource. So can I input the capacity(mw) or should I insert the value as energy/yr(Mwh)??
    2.I do not need to put any value in resources-secondary, right?

    Will be waiting for your answer.

  • Taylor Binnington 1/31/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Tasnova,

    The Yield variable is the annual available energy from a renewable resource - therefore you must assign energy units to it (these are the only options available in the unit selection menu).

    The choice of which Secondary Resource variables for which to provide data is up to you, and depends on the situation. Can you clarify what variable you're referring to?

  • Tasnova Jesha 2/2/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks for your reply.
    The secondary resources are generated automatically based on my inputs. And it shows only the Resource import and export tabs. In my scenario there will be no export or import. So in such case all the values will be zero, right?
    My designed file is attached.


    Attachments:  NL_plan_28_Jan.leap [3]
  • Taylor Binnington 2/5/2015
      Best Response


    If there are no imports or exports of fuels, then you can safely leave these variables equal to zero.

  • Tasnova Jesha 2/11/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks. I have designed a plan for st johns.
    In the energy balance output the total demand shows 30.7 MWh. And production shows 40.2 MWh. But still it shows import of 4 MWh. But why would it need to import where the production is much higher than the demand.
    I am attaching the screen shot.
    I would be really grateful if you could please clear my confusion.

    energy balance.JPG
  • Taylor Binnington 2/18/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Tasnova,

    You are comparing only the Total Production and Total Demand, but this does not means that one or more fuels must be imported.

    To help you with interpreting energy balance sheets, have a quick read through the IEA's Energy Statistics Manual:


    Pages 22 - 34 deal with definitions in energy balance categories.
