• 106 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: TED environmental loadings Animal Waste Crop ResiduesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • James Marett 1/26/2015


    I understand that not all fuels/situations are covered in TED data base and that new version of program allows user to input site specific environmental loadings.

    Have you run across TED factors for animal wastes as a cooking/heating fuel, crop residues as cooking/heating fuels.

    If not can research or use closest comparable TED factors.
  • Taylor Binnington 1/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi James - I don't have a good source at hand, but would certainly appreciate it if you post any sources you come across, here on COMMEND.

    Note that in LEAP's preinstalled database, you'll find TED branches for called "Wood Residential", "Charcoal Residential" and "Biomass Residential", at the following location in the TED tree:

    Energy Demand\Households and Services\IPCC Tier 1 Default Emission Factors

  • James Marett 1/28/2015
      Best Response


    The simple answer is use TED data "IPCC Tier 1 Defaults - Commercial or Residential Biomass" (they are identical)

    After a good bit of research, the answer to my question appears to be: IPCC 1996 revised guidelines for TIER 1 emissions calculations (Chap 1 Energy) define "other biomass and wastes (includes dung, agricultural, municipal and
    industrial wastes, bagasse and agricultural residues)" as a single category for TIER 1. A close examination of CO2 and other gas emissions reveals that these "other (solid) biomass" fuels are identical to WOOD.

    See: http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/gl/guidelin/ch1ref1.pdf

    LEAP TED data base under "IPCC Tier 1 Defaults - Commercial/Residential Biomass" has correct emission factors for these other (solid) biomass fuels in accordance with IPCC revised 1996 guidelines.

    These are TIER 1 defaults. Specific country values may vary widely but require assay of biomass fuel source.. which could then be adjusted under new version of LEAP.
  • Taylor Binnington 1/28/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks, James!