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    Topic: Training Ex. 1.6 page 32 and 33Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ravita Prasad 1/26/2015



    I have two questions:
    1. On page 32 of Leap Training exercise, after creating DSM load shape, the chart that I get has 2010 showing the load curve initially made but from 2011 to 2040, it is the same DSM load curve that I am getting. My LEAP doesnot interpolate between the 2010 and 2040 load curves. What have I done wrong?

    2. For Ex 1.6.1 on page 33, to view results, the HINT tells to go to Show:Transformations:....Where can I find this Show?

    Appreciate your assistance.

  • Taylor Binnington 1/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Ravita,

    1. Make sure that you have entered your original load curve under Current Accounts, and that your newly defined DSM load curve is entered in the DSM scenario. Note that you can always compare you work with the completed version of each exercise. To do this, open the Freedonia data set in LEAP, and select Area: Revert to Version.

    2. Sorry about this - the hint on p. 33 is missing some words. Please look at the result Transformation: Outputs by Output Fuel.

    Take care,

  • Ravita Prasad 3/12/2015
      Best Response


    Thank you Taylor. I am able to view the graph on page 32. However, for the graph of page 33 of the training exercise, I do not know how to get the reference and DSM scenario curves on same pair of axes as shown in page 33. I am able to get individual curves separately. How can I have two scenario curves showing on the same pair of axes?

  • Taylor Binnington 3/13/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Ravita,

    Select All: Scenarios, form the drop-down menu to the right of the chart, in Results view.

  • Ravita Prasad 3/15/2015
      Best Response


    Thanks Taylor, this helped.
