• 130 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: My first work with LeapSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Nicola Mottola 1/27/2015


    Hello ,I'm working with Leap to do an energy consumption forecast for my country(Italy),but I have this big problem ,in fact in my results I have this huge gap between the first and the second year,I dont' know why!!Could you help me??

    Transformation Outputs.png
  • Taylor Binnington 1/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Nicola,

    As a first guess, I would say that you've specified a Historical Production value that is larger than the module's requirements.

    From the First Simulation year and beyond (which I would guess from your screenshot starts in 2011), LEAP obeys each process' Dispatch Rule to meet the module requirements - the Historical Production variable is only used before the First Simulation Year. Since processes are only dispatched to meet the module's requirements, you would see less output in all other years.

    Have a look at these help files:



    Hope this helps,


  • Nicola Mottola 1/27/2015
      Best Response


    Thank u so much,I have understand ,but now I have another question.
    In endogenous parameters I have put endogenous new processes,like for example Nuclear,why this process isnt'visible in trasformation output results?

  • Taylor Binnington 1/31/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Nicola,

    There are a number of reasons that this could be. If you find that your Exogenously defined processes are running, but not the Endogenous processes, I would check the following:

    a) Make sure that the endogenous capacity is actually being built, by checking Transformation: Capacity for the module.

    b) Check the dispatch rule for these processes, to ensure that they are being properly dispatched to meet the module requirements.

    If neither of these solutions succeeds, please post a more complete description of some of what you've tried, and I may be able to make further suggestions. Hope this helps,
