• 69 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Results View of Electricity Generation variables/processesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • James Marett 1/27/2015


    I have 9 different processes for electrical generation. When I go to Results View-electrical generation-processes and ask to display all fuels and all GHG, I can see six of the nine processes (fuels) displayed in chart and table format.

    In troubleshooting, going back to Analysis-all variables, I can go through each input variable and see that all are addressed.

    Where I end up is on the %available in current year.... showing 0% availability (for a reason I can not figure out). Picture is attached.

    Is there a limitation on the number of processes the Results view can show?

  • Taylor Binnington 1/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi James,

    The column called "2012 Availability" is an indicator which tells you what fraction of the installed capacity (in 2012) is being utilized based on values you enter under Historical Production.

    Readings of "0.0%" mean that the process is not being used in 2012 (meaning that there is no historical production assigned to your geothermal, has heating MSW, etc...).
