• 80 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: About time slicesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Prabakar Br 1/28/2015


    sir i have load data for a day of year 2013.I have every data in the excel sheet sir then now i have to know how to import the excel sheet in Time Slices.
  • Taylor Binnington 1/31/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Prabakar,

    There are two ways to import data from Excel into a Yearly Shape.

    From General: Yearly Shapes, the first is the 'Import' option - this is a simple import, allowing you to import a named Excel range with one value for every time slice in your model.

    The second is the 'Import Hourly Shape' option, which imports a named Excel range containing load data for each hour of the year, regardless of how you have set up your time slices. LEAP will then allocate each hour to one of your existing time slices, and construct the load shape automatically.

    You may also want to review our yearly shape help page:

