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    Topic: Stock turnover formulaSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Maha Alsabbagh 2/3/2015


    Hi there

    Can you please rewrite the formula used in the stock turnover method? I've seen the one in the 'help' but it is not clear and nothing appears when copied to MS Word. Please note that I mean the second formula under the stock turnover heading.

    Another question please, what is the unit of the 'p' in the Distance-Based Pollution Emissions (e.g. Criteria Air Pollutants)formula?

  • Taylor Binnington 2/5/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Maha,

    The formula says that the stock(t,y) (stock of the technology t, in the year y) is calculated by summing the stock(t,y,v) (stock of the technology t, in the year y, for the vintage v) over all different vintages in the model.

    The "P" in the distance-based emission calculation is an index, used to designate each different pollutant being emitted by the technology. It is not a variable with any associated units.

