• 92 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Electricity Generation is varying in the some processSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Abdullah Mengal 2/11/2015


    Dear respected Taylor
    I have developed the energy and emissions model under various scenarios as from 2013 to 2035.But in the result of "Transformation: Outputs by Output Fuel" the result of some process like Natural and coal is decreases in some years of central and again increases despite increase values in the exogenous example is
    Branches 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 Total
    Natural Gas(100Gwh) 41.1 42.9 35.9 31.4 33.2 38.8 42.7 49.3 57.5 65.3 71.0 509.3 Coal Bituminous(GWh) - - 48.3 63.1 66.5 71.9 79.6 88.0 96.2 104.7 110.9 729.1
    Natural Gas(GW) 6.7 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 12.7 12.7
    Coal Bituminous(GW) - - 9.4 15.0 16.8 19.0 20.0 20.0 19.5 19.0 18.5
    I am also sending my LEAP model kindly see it

  • Taylor Binnington 2/18/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Abdullah,

    I'm afraid I'm having trouble understanding your question. Are you unsure why electricity generation (the result Transformation: Output by Output Fuel) for your Natural Gas process declines, while Exogenous Capacity for the process is increasing?

    If so, there are several reasons this may be the case. Most importantly, generation is not the same as capacity, which means that even though you continue to add capacity each plant is still being dispatched according to its Merit Order. You have assigned a Merit Order of 1 to each process, so all plants are dispatched to meet the module's requirements in proportion to their available capacity. As Exogenous Capacity for each plant changes during your scenario period, you will then find that the share of electricity generated by each plant will change.

    Have a look at the following help pages for a description of Merit Order:


    ...and LEAP's process dispatch calculations:


    Hope this helps,
