• 73 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Scenario InheritanceSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Maha Alsabbagh 2/12/2015



    I'm trying to build combined mitigation scenarios and get the total saved emissions and cost per saved ton CO2. When I got a very low cost for a combined scenario, I built another one with the same order of the 'mini' scenarios and using the same mini scenarios but did it on another day. Surprisingly, I got a totally different result. When I kept adding new combined scenarios, the results keep changing every time. The three combined scenarios just stood there with different results (the ones built on the same day have same results which are different from those built in another day) but with the same mini scenarios and same order of the main scenarios. Any clue about how to fix this?

  • Taylor Binnington 2/17/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Maha,

    Just so I'm clear - you're saying that you have defined scenarios which are equivalent to one another because they inherit from the same 'mini' scenarios, yet you see different results for each of these scenarios?

    If so, please provide a copy of your LEAP dataset (you can attach it to this thread, or email us directly at leap@sei-us.org) and let me know exactly which result you see that differs across which group of equivalent scenarios. I'll take a look as soon as I'm able.

