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    Topic: Not able to change the scenarios namesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Georgia Savvidou 2/24/2015



    I built two main scenarios from the current accounts and under those two, I created another two scenarios for each. I used different abbreviations for all the 6 scenarios but I used the same names for the first two main scenarios and the sub scenarios under them and the model allowed me to do so. But later on I noticed that on the results view, the abbreviations are not included and therefore, I have two couples of two scenarios with the same name. So, I went back to manage scenarios and I tried to rename one of the two scenarios for each couple but the model does not allow me!

    I know it seems complicated so I attach pictures that show what happened!

    Thank you,
    Georgia Savvidou

    Attachments:  Scenario problem.pdf [5]
  • Taylor Binnington 2/24/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Georgia,

    Interesting observation - we'll try to have that fixed in a future version of LEAP. Thank you for pointing it out!

    Let me just confirm: in order to create a new scenario with the same name as an existing scenario, you first added it with a different name, and then renamed it - is that correct?

    In the meantime, I would certainly recommend avoiding duplicate scenario names altogether. Instead of trying to rename your existing scenarios (which as you correctly point out, LEAP will not allow), use the 'Duplicate' option in the Scenario manager window. You'll then need to change the inheritance structure of your other scenarios, so that they inherit from your newly duplicated scenario.

    Hope this helps,

  • Georgia Savvidou 2/26/2015
      Best Response


    Hello Taylor,

    I really appreciate your reply.

    Indeed, first I added the scenario with a different name, and then renamed it, giving it the same name as the other scenario.

    Your recommendation to use the "Duplicate" option and change the inheritance structure of the scenarios to the new duplicated ones worked well!

    Thank you again!
