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    Topic: Exercise 3 - TransformationSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Bruno Penisga 2/24/2015


    Hi everyone,

    In exercise 3, what is the production of charcoal and crude oil ? If I don't define the Historical Production of these feedstocks, I can't get the results from Charcoal Production and Oil Refining (as you can see from my output).

    Moreover, my Production is not correct as well as the imports. Could anyone help me ?

    I'm posting my Energy Balance View results.


  • Taylor Binnington 2/24/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Bruno,

    In order to view charcoal and crude oil you need to view Columns: Fuels, not Columns: Fuel Groupings. Groupings displays columns that aggregate similar fuel types.

    To view historical (i.e. 2010) production of charcoal and oil products, it's important to carefully follow the instructions under section 3.1 and 3.3 of the training manual. Your Charcoal Production module should not have any capacities associated with it (since it is a 'simple' module), and processes under it should therefore not have any Historical Production variable. The process under your Oil Refining module should have it's First Simulation Year set to follow the Dispatch Rule beginning straight away in 2010, so there should be no need to specify any historical production. Have a look at this help file for some further info:


    Hope this helps!

  • Jin Hu 3/2/2015
      Best Response


    Hi taylor,

    I've got another problem and need your help,please.
    In the Energy System Diagram of Exercise3, my diagram didn�€™t contains the WIND. And would you please tell me where the wind is come from?
    Moreover, my result is a little different from the result in the instruction paper, paper45. My result of crude oil and oil product is , somehow, mixed. Would you please tell me the reason?

  • Taylor Binnington 3/5/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Jin,

    I'm afraid I'm confused - You should not see any wind consumption in your energy system diagram, according to our training manual.

    I'm also not sure what you mean by crude oil and oil products being 'mixed'. Note that in your energy balance view, you may select between viewing 'Fuel Groupings' and 'Fuels' as columns, by changing your selection in the top left corner of the Energy Balance view.

    Hope this helps, but feel free to clarify your questions,


  • Jin Hu 3/8/2015
      Best Response


    It's the screenshot of the training manual,PAGE43.It contains wind,and I'd like to know where the wind is from.

  • Taylor Binnington 3/9/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Jin,

    You're quite correct - there should be no wind appearing on page 43. Very sorry for the confusion, we'll have that fixed in the next version of the training materials.


  • Ravita Prasad 3/24/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor

    I have a similar error, in my energy system diagram Natural Gas is not connected to Electricity Generation. In the training Manual p. 44, it is connected. Where have I gone wrong? Attached is my energy diagram.

    Appreciate your assistance.


    ex 3 - energy diagram.png
  • Taylor Binnington 3/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Ravita,

    Are you certain that natural gas is a feedstock fuel for one or more of your Electricity Generation processes?

    Please also ensure that you're running the most up to date version of LEAP, by clicking Help: Check for Updates, in the main menu.

  • Ravita Prasad 4/20/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor

    I have updated my LEAP version (Its now 2014.0.1.25). After completing Training Ex 3, when i view my energy diagram, i get the diagram shown below. This is slightly different from the one shown on page 44 of Training Ex. Is my diagram correct? For the energy balance, the values given in training ex. p45 and my values are same. Its only the energy diagram that is a bit different.


    Attachments:  energy diagram after updating LEAP-ex 3.pdf [5]
  • Taylor Binnington 4/21/2015
      Best Response


    Hello Ravita,

    Both of your diagrams look fine. In the training manual, natural gas is not actually connected to the electricity generation module - it's important to track the color of the connecting lines (you'll see that natural gas is instead connected to Transmission and Distribution, even though it does appear to pass underneath Electricity Generation).

    You diagram looks okay in your most recent posting as well. The slight change of style is due to some additional graphical choices in the latest version of LEAP - you are now able to select the style of the boxes used to represent fuels and modules in the Diagram view.

    Hope this helps,

  • Ravita Prasad 4/21/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor

    This helps. Thank you very much.
