• 87 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: renewable target, costs and actual reserve margin.Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Prabakar Br 2/25/2015


    (I) where the renewable target will be available.Show these target facility details.

    (ii)costs. what is social cost,module cost balance(in model cost balance the fixed O$M cost is showing in negative value how to rectify)and sales revenue(it is showing me as - so how to get the output and where to give the input).

    (iii)Actual reserve margin (these reserve margin its showing in negative so how to correct it)

  • Taylor Binnington 3/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Prabakar,

    I'm afraid that I can't answer your questions without more detail. Please review our forum posting guidelines here:


    Once you clarify your questions, hopefully I'll be able to help you! Also, please make sure that you have worked through our Basic Training Materials, which are available here:


