• 198 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Adding electricity emission factors when there's no transformation moduleSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rajesh Gupta 3/2/2015


    Dear Taylor,

    Can I manually add electricity emission factors (environmental loading data/effects) for different countries in LEAP to estimate emissions (for example for India 0.999 metric tons/MWh CO2)? In my study, I only analyze for final energy demand therefore cannot get environmental impacts upstream as there�€™s no transformation module.

  • Taylor Binnington 3/5/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Rajesh,

    You certainly can. In this case, you would just add Environmental Loadings to demand branches where electricity is consumed, where these effects are representative of the average power mix in your country.


  • Rebecka Engström 3/2/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,
    I have a similar question, I have different emission factors for imported and locally produced electricity (and have set the model to meet unmet requirements with imported Electricity).
    How/where can I add the environmental loading?
    If I add it on the demand side where the electricity is consumed I can't differentiate between locally produced and imported electricity (as the latter will meet the demand when the former is exhausted).

  • Taylor Binnington 3/2/2016
      Best Response


    Hi Rebecka,

    Can you tell me how in your model you have instructed LEAP to import any unmet requirements?

    Also, how have you constrained your "locally produced" electricity generation? If you have done this using a supply-side electricity generation module with different power plants and their capacities, I would first recommend adding emission factors to each of the feedstock fuels for these plants. This will give you a more bottom-up estimate of the emissions from electricity, which will naturally change as the generation mix changes. But, if you wish to use a fixed emission factor you may instead assign this instead to the Output Fuel of your transformation module.

    Setting the properties of this output fuel to "Requirements remain unmet" will cause electricity shortfalls to be passed to subsequent (lower in the tree) modules. For a reminder of how this works, review this help file:


    This is useful because it gives LEAP the opportunity to meet those requirements in some other way, rather than simply importing them from outside the area. For example, you may then insert a new transformation module, below your existing electricity generation module, which also produces electricity and contains a single transformation process. Your energy balances would be clearest if this process consumed a type of feedstock fuel called "Imported Electricity" or similar - you will first need to create this new fuel in LEAP's fuels database. You are then free to assign emission factors to this feedstock fuel which represent emissions from imported electricity.

    Hope this is clear,