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    Topic: Transformation - charcoal - historical data - energy conversion unitsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • James Marett 3/5/2015


    I am trying to enter Charcoal Production under Transformation. I can work through all steps... and then I try to enter Historical Production. Under the Historical Production tab.... I am limited in the definition of "Units" to: tons of coal equivalent... or megajoules of energy.. and other conversions. I see from Fuels data base (and other references) that 1 kg of charcoal is 28.8 MJ of energy (assuming a reasonably efficient charcoal production process). 1 kg of bitumous coal is also roughly equivalent at 30 TJ.

    Is there a method to allow user definitions of a new "unit" variable under LEAP programming for "kgs of charcoal"?

    Or must conversion be performed off-line (before hand) and then entered in LEAP using tons of coal equivalent or megajules?

    Thank you, in advance, for your response.

    Attachments:  150305 Define Charcoal Production.pdf [4]
  • Taylor Binnington 3/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hi James,

    Yes, you can create a customized unit. In Analysis view, click on the 'Units' option in the main toolbar, and select 'Energy' from the drop-down menu in the top left of the new window. Here you'll see a listing of LEAP's energetic units, and their gigajoule equivalent values.

    You may add a new unit using the green +. In the screenshot below I've added a unit called "Tonne of Charcoal Equivalent", given it the abbreviation "TChE", and fixed it at 28.8 GJ to agree with LEAP's default fuel database.

    You can then assign this anywhere energy units are appropriate in LEAP (such as Historical Production), including in the Results view.



  • James Marett 3/7/2015
      Best Response


    Taylor: Thank you. Worked correctly and is very useful for charcoal use/production throughout LEAP.
    After adding the tonnes of charcoal as a Energy Unit as you suggested....... I move to recording "exogenous capacity" to the process.....
    I find that (again) drop down energy unit choices are limited and do not include the newly added "tonnes of charcoal equivalent." I can manually convert to GJ of energy, but would prefer to use "tonnes charcoal equivalent" here also.

    150307 Capacity Units Charcoal.PNG
  • Taylor Binnington 3/9/2015
      Best Response



    Exogenous Capacity is a measure of power, not an energy - so the option in the unit selector will display only available units of power. You'll need to create another unit of type "Power", for example "Tonnes of charcoal equivalent per year".
