• 183 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Cannot change different symbols on linesSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Ye Thu Win 3/11/2015


    Hi there,
    I try to change the different shape of symbols on different lines by going Chart >>advance>> select series>>point Tab>>style>> change to different symbol.
    Once I change it , LEAP chart show the changed symbol. However, if I click to anything on LEAP , it revert back to default "triangle" symbol. As I have different scenarios, I cannot change everything again and again whenever I click something. Please look at the attached file. Is there a way to solve it or is it a bug for LEAP ?

  • Taylor Binnington 3/12/2015
      Best Response


    Hi there,

    Actually, many of LEAP's chart settings (such as those advanced display settings which you are exploring by selecting Chart: Advanced) do not persist once you change the result you are viewing, or if you later adjust the settings using the sidebar menu in Results view.

    We recognize that it may sometimes be desirable to have your chart settings "stick", even after changing the result you're viewing. We would like to improve this in the future, but cannot commit to a time frame. We apologize if this causes you inconvenience.

    All the best,
  • Ye Thu Win 3/13/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you for your explanation and quick response.
  • Charlie Heaps 4/5/2015
      Best Response



    I've just posted an update to LEAP (2014.1.25). Among other improvements, this new version improves how the marks are plotted in line charts. Now, each line is by default plotted with a different marker, which I think is what you were requesting.

    The advanced chart options continue to be non-sticky. In general, I don't recommend using those options except for doing some final tweaks to a chart before printing/exporting.

    Please use the Help:Check for Updates menu option in LEAP to get the update or download and install the full new version here: http://www.energycommunity.org/default.asp?action=40

    Please let me know if this addresses your request.


    LEAP Developer
