• 312 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: 1.5.1 results global warming potentialSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jin Hu 3/19/2015


    could anyone be kind to show me the result in table? my value of 2014 is a little bit different with the manual's chart.

    my result.png
  • Taylor Binnington 3/20/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Jin,

    There are many things that would cause your emissions results to be out of alignment with those in the manual. The 100-year GWP results are very high-level, which means it's difficult to know where in your tree the problem has occurred. You can use the table below to try to track down the problem, though.

    I would suggest that you double-check your results with the manual at earlier stages in the exercises. If necessary, after saving your area you can open the Freedonia dataset, then select Area: Revert to Version, and open a completed exercise to compare to your own.

    Hope this help,


  • Jin Hu 3/26/2015
      Best Response



    thank you for your help.
    I have compared my result with your table, I found the difference was in Transformation. I have done it again, and I only get the right value of 2010 and 2040,while the value of 2015,2020,2025,2030 and 2035 is different from your table. Please see the table below.However I can�€™t find out what contribute to it .
    I have compared my earlier result and data with the Freedonia dataset, and I can�€™t find where the error is.

    Could you give some more detail values about the result of exercise 1.43? The manual only show the value of 2010,2040.

    thank you very much.

  • Taylor Binnington 4/2/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Jin,

    More detailed results can be found by viewing those results which are calculated by the 'completed' exercise, which is pre-installed in LEAP.

    After saving your area, open Freedonia, and then Area: Revert to Version for the appropriately completed version of the model.

    Note that you can run two copies of LEAP at once, beside one another (one with Freedonia, one with your model) - this might help you to track down your problem fastest.

    Good luck,
