• 242 views | 6 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Optimization result problemsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Martin Andersson 3/31/2015



    We have a little problem that we like to address here. We��re using LEAPs optimization function to investigate the future Swedish electricity system for different ambitions of nuclear power. We have built a reference scenario where all data is included with two underlying scenarios: scenario shutdown, which prematurely shutting down nuclear power and scenario expansion, which is building new nuclear power.
    Following problems occurs in the result:

    -Doesn�€™t show any capital costs for the reference scenario.

    -Scenario Shutdown that forces down nuclear power is cheaper than the reference scenario in Summaries, which is surprising since the reference scenario optimize does not have any constraints.

    -The results shows that more photovoltaic are produced in the future in all scenario, but reports no added capacity.

    -Capacity and capacity added for the two scenario, were one scenario is the other ones inherit, are identical in the result while production differ.

    We are using a updated version LEAP.

    Please come back to us on your thought about this, thanks in advanced.

  • Taylor Binnington 3/31/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Martin,

    Can you post your *.leap model here on this thread? Alternatively, you can email it to leap@sei-us.org. I'll be able to give you much better answers after looking at your model.

  • Martin Andersson 4/1/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    It seems like we get different result each time.

    Attachments:  Result.leap [7]
  • Charlie Heaps 4/1/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Martin,

    I'm trying to look into this issue now. Can you tell me exactly what version of LEAP you are using (it should be written in the bottom-left corner of the LEAP screen. 2014.0.1.24 is the most recent.


  • Martin Andersson 4/1/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Charlie,

    I have now the latest version (2014.0.1.24), but get the same result.

    Best regards
  • Taylor Binnington 4/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hello again,

    Please note that this problem has been fixed in the most recent version of LEAP (2014.0.1.25). You can download it by selecting Help: Check for Updates from LEAP's main menu.

    All the best,
