• 191 views | 4 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Capacity additions not displayed in optimization modeSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Shai Hassid 3/31/2015


    When running optimization, new capacity added is not displayed in results view. In addition, the new capacity is not reflected in the reserve margin which is shown as negative.

    I have the latest version and can send the leap file I use.

  • Taylor Binnington 3/31/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Shia,

    Yes, it would be great if you could sent us your LEAP file, either attached to this thread or to leap@sei-us.org.

    Thanks so much,
  • Taylor Binnington 4/1/2015
      Best Response


    Hi again Shai,

    Thanks for helping to point this out. We've become aware of a problem with capacity expansion in LEAP's optimized scenarios, and are working to resolve it. I'll contact you directly on this thread once it's fixed.

    Thank you for your patience,

  • Taylor Binnington 4/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hello again,

    Please note that this problem has been fixed in the most recent version of LEAP (2014.0.1.25). You can download it by selecting Help: Check for Updates from LEAP's main menu.

    All the best,
