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    Topic: Exercise 5: Transportation - EmissionsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Rabi Vandergon 4/8/2015



    I am working through the transportation section of the training document. Whenever the step calls for me to go to "Results" and select an emission to show on a table or chart, the software will not allow me to do so. For example, when I click on the dropdown next to result > Environment > Carbon Dioxide (Non Biogenic), it automatically switches back to Demand: Energy Demand Final Units. In addition, carbon monoxide is not a visible option under the environment menu. Could you please provide assistance?

    Thank you!
  • Taylor Binnington 4/14/2015
      Best Response


    Hi there,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I too have experienced this problem on one or two occasions - so we are aware of it, and hope to fix it in an upcoming version of LEAP. In the meantime, I'm usually able to resolve the issue by returning to Analysis view, and selecting Area: Force Whole Area to Recalculate, and then returning to Results.

    Regarding the display of Carbon Monoxide emissions: are you able to display Environment: All Effects, and then display All: Effects from the menu on the right side of the chart? If so, and carbon monoxide still does not appear, are you certain that you have added emission factors for CO at the current branch for which you're viewing results?

    Good luck,


  • Junling Liu 11/26/2015
      Best Response

    1 Like 608 Views

    I've confronted the same problem. After some time of effort, I finally find the reason which might be the same key to the author.

    To see All Effects (CO2 and other pollutants as well), go to "General: Results to Save", and enable the option "Other Environmental Loadings: Diret (At Point of Loadings)" which is ignored by default.

    Hope this will be helpful to others who meet the same problems.
  • Muhammad Asif Memon 12/1/2015
      Best Response


    Thank you very much brotherJunling Liu
    your information resolve my problem
    I got all results of emission