• 79 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Capacity addedSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Martin Andersson 4/15/2015


    Is there any way to allow a minimum added capacity each year or 0, thus a specific year add 0 MW nuclear power or higher than 1000 MW? If you put a value on the function "minimum capacity added" then there is not the ability to install zero capacity each year.

    Thanks in advance

    Best regards

  • Taylor Binnington 4/16/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Martin,

    It sounds like you want to control the 'increment size' of new capacity additions, but still allow the software to decide which years to add that capacity.

    In this case, LEAP allows you to specify a 'Minimum Addition Size'. Using your example, new power plants would be built in units of 1000 MW at a time (however, the 1000 MW constraint is not a minimum for all capacity expansion in a single year, so it you needed only 1050 MW, LEAP would instead build 2 units of 1000 MW).

    To enable this, visit Basic Params: Optimization, and check "Enable Addition Size for Mixed Integer Linear Programming". After, you'll see the new variable appear for each of your power plants. Note that for complex calculations with many different power plants, this can cause LEAP to run dramatically slower when finding a solution.

    Based on a few of your questions, I'd say you're exploring some of LEAP's lesser-used optimization functions. It will help you to have a good understanding of how LEAP and the OSeMOSYS algorithm work together, so that you can understand the flexibility and limits of the tool. Have a look at these pages, if you haven't already:



    Hope this helps,
