• 77 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: The meaning of "Net Energy Content" and" Carbon Stored" Variables in Fuels branchSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Zhou Weiduo 4/22/2015


    Hello Taylor:
    I want to ask you two questions in the Fuel branch.
    First, why the Net Energy Content of Coal Bituminous(29.310 Gigajoule per Metric Ton)is higher than the heat value of standard coal (29.3076 Gigajoule per Metric Ton).1 ton of Crude coal=0.7143 ton of standard coal.While Coal Bituminous is one of the three kinds of crude coal. Is it a mistake? How can I set a Crude coal Variables in the Fuels branch?
    Second,what's the meaning of "Carbon Stored" in the Fuels branch? Where can the variable be used?

    Fuels .png
  • Taylor Binnington 4/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Zhou,

    The energy content assigned to fuels in LEAP's database can be thought of as default values. You may change the energy content of fuels as you like (all of the fields in the Fuels database are editable), or create new fuels by clicking on the "+" button on the Fuels screen. You could use this to create a fuel called "Crude Coal", if you wish.

    The Carbon Stored variable is the fraction of the carbon in the fuel (by weight) that remains permanently stored when the fuel is used for non-energy purposes. This and other fuel properties are listed in the help pages here (you reference this variable using "NonEnergyCarbonStored"):


    However, this variable has not been used in LEAP for some time.

    Hope this help,
