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    Topic: Industry demand problem ,need help immediately.thanksSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mingyu Tang 5/8/2015


    In industry sector.I just get these data: industry total energy consumption,each energy consumption such as gasline consumption,total industrial added value.how can I fill in activity level and final energy intensity in the LEAP .when I use each energy comsuption/total value-added as each energy final energy intensity,use each energy consumption/total energy consumption as activity level.the result of total energy consumption in LEAP is not correct,it less than the true total energy consumption.I know it's not correct,but I don't know what to do next,how to make it correct.
    If you help me, I will be very grateful.thanks
  • Taylor Binnington 5/8/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mingyu,

    Your calculation is not very clear, from your message. Are you calculating the Final Energy Intensity by dividing the total energy consumption by the value-added, and then using value-added as a measure of the activity level?

    In this case, you should recover the total energy consumption you observed in the historical period. Make sure that you haven't accidentally entered any scaling factors incorrectly, in front of your units for either the Activity Level or Final Energy Intensity.

    Have a look at these two threads, for some additional information:



    I'm happy to comment further, but first can you clarify what you're trying to accomplish, and explain how your results are not what you expected?

    Take care,
  • Mingyu Tang 5/8/2015
      Best Response


    thanks for your help.
    yes,I calculate the Final Energy Intensity by dividing the total energy consumption by the value-added, and then using value-added as a measure of the activity level(the data I used from 2012).Then the value-added growth rate is 6% in referrence scenerio and in industry control scenerio I will change the proportion of the energy in activity level according to policies.
    I want to calculate the energy consumption and GHG emissions of industry sector.I use 2012 as base year,2050 as the end year.I also want to analyse energy conservation and emission reduction,the reduction potential after policy implementation.
    the model of industry
    >>Raw coal
    >>crude oil

  • Taylor Binnington 5/12/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mingyu,

    I hope I understand your question correctly. There are two different category branch types available to you, for constructing a top-down activity analysis in LEAP. I'll introduce both, using the example you provided in your post.

    The yellow folder, or 'Category', allows you to add additional categories or technologies underneath, each with their own separate activity level and energy intensity.

    To use your example, this would look like:

    > Industry (yellow category, with activity level = value added)
    >> Raw coal (technology with final energy intensity, with appropriate activity level and energy intensity per unit of activity)
    >> Coke (same as above)
    >> Crude oil (...)
    >> Gasoline (...)
    >> ...

    The green folder, or 'Category with Energy Intensity', allows you to specify the total energy intensity for the whole category, while individual fuels or technologies are assigned a percentage share of this total. For example:

    > Industry (green category, with activity level = value added, and final energy intensity = total industrial energy / value added)
    >> Raw coal (technology, with appropriate fuel share of the energy specified at the category level)
    >> Coke (same as above)
    >> Crude oil (...)
    >> Gasoline (...)
    >> ...

    Note that the category with energy intensity allows you to very easily implement an efficiency target, by reducing the energy intensity at the top branch. To implement a similar target using a yellow category to represent the industry sector, you would need to modify the final energy intensity of each technology or fuel which is found inside the category.

    Have a look here for some additional information on demand branch types:


    Hope this helps,

  • Mingyu Tang 5/12/2015
      Best Response


    thank you very much,your answers is useful.you are a good man,best wishes to you.