• 128 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: National Data Set For MalaysiaSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 5/18/2015



    I'm doing my masters degree in the UK and originally from Malaysia. I am exploring different energy pathways in Malaysia and seems like LEAP is the right tool to do that. Unfortunately I could not download the starter data sets from Malaysia (could not click) maybe because I'm in the UK and the agreement doesn't allow data from developed countries. How do i get the Malaysia's data?

    Any feedback is much appreciated.


  • Taylor Binnington 5/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mohd,

    Thanks for your message. Our starter datasets have not yet been updated to function with the latest version of LEAP. I'll contact you directly once we've had a chance to update the Malaysia starter model.

    Thank you for your patience,
