• 90 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: how to do to create a demand tree?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Jairo Viola 5/21/2015



    i am new using leap and i am following the tutorial posted in this page, but en exercise 1.3.1 when they ask me to create a demand tree i blow up.

    If someone has information about how to build a demand tree or a simple example to follow i will be grateful.

    best regards

  • Taylor Binnington 6/1/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Jairo,

    This part of the training exercise is asking that you sketch (on paper) how different hierarchical demands would be structured: from the top level, through different types of households, finally to the individual technologies consuming energy.

    You can refer to the attached image for guidance.

