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    Topic: Multivariable functions: URGENT help needed PleaseSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Elusiyan Eludoyin 5/26/2015

    1 Like 1016 Views

    Hello guys,

    Please, I am wondering how to input functions to model the impact of multiple variables on a particular dependent branch.

    For example, I know LEAP allows you to model the change in the value of a branch based on its elasticity with a key assumption using the GrowthAs function in the expression builder. And I understand how to do that.

    But how would I do that to model the impact of multiple key assumptions on the same exact branch? I have looked through the training material and I haven't found any help there.

    Thank you very much guys


  • Taylor Binnington 5/27/2015
      Best Response


    Hi there,

    I think what you want is to create a customized expression, which is a function of several variables. Though it is up to you to define the relationship between your expression and each of the referenced variables, note that you can create a reference to any of LEAP variables (not only Key Assumptions). Please review this help page:


    Using the keyboard combination Ctrl-B, while typing an expression, will bring up a menu in LEAP which allows you to select a branch and then select a variable located at that branch, to which you want to create a reference.

    Hope this helps,