• 74 views | 2 messages Discussion: LEAP
    Topic: Energy demand primary unitsSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Christine Wennerberg 5/31/2015


    What is needed to display "Energy demand (primary options)" in the results view? I only have the option "Energy demand (final units")
  • Taylor Binnington 5/31/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Christine,

    There are two different results which may answer your question.

    To view the total primary energy requirements of your whole area, you would select Resources: Primary Requirements.


    If you want the primary energy which is allocated only to demand branches, you'll need to enable that result (which is, by default, not calculated). In Analysis view, select General: Results Variables to Save, and choose Energy Demand Primary Units. In Results view, you'll then be able to view primary results.


    Hope this helps!
