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    Topic: Diagram View> Transmission and Distribution > Electricity goes to Natural Gas?Subscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/2/2015


    hi Everyone,

    I'm having trouble with my diagram view for the transformation part.

    Energy flow should be:

    Electricity > Transmission and distribution > Electricity > Demand

    Natural Gas > Transmission and Distribution > Gas Pipeline > Natural Gas

    But in the full view the electricity goes to both transmission and distribution and demand. This doesn't make any sense as it need to be carried by transmission and distribution lines.

    When I zoom in the transmission and distribution module, electricity does not appear as output just natural gas. Based on the diagram it seems that for electricity the output is natural gas.

    Appreciate anyone comment and help on this.


    Mohd Adzmi

  • Taylor Binnington 7/3/2015
      Best Response

    1 Like 1065 Views

    Hi Mohd,

    I think the two problems are related: if there is no electricity produced from your transmission lines, then the Electricity Generation module itself must be connected directly to demand.

    What type of module have you used for the Transmission and Distribution module? It looks as if you have two separate processes, but only a single output fuel. Typically we would suggest that you use a "Simple" non-dispatched module, when each process has it's own output fuel:


    However, if you have already done this then I think I should take a look at your model. Would you be able to post it to this thread for me?

  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/4/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thanks for the tip. I deleted the module and did what you've suggested and it worked.

    I think I did the same thing last time since I followed the training example but can't find the reason why the problem occurred previously.

    However I found that the diagram seems to merge the output fuel for both process.

    Is this correct?


  • Taylor Binnington 7/6/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mohd,

    I can reproduce that on my computer, and can confirm that it's a problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Our long-term goals may include moving away from the Diagram view to something else, so I can't promise a timeline to fix this. But you are correct to point out that the output fuels should not be merged, as the Diagram view displays.

    After some testing, I have found that this occurs only for simple transformation modules, so in the meantime it's something we shall have to be aware of.

  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/7/2015
      Best Response


    Dear Taylor,

    Thank you for the feedback. Apart from diagram view, I am assuming it doesn't effect the result/outcome of the model. In the energy balance view the result seems ok (made sense). Was just wondering.

    Thank you.

    Mohd Adzmi
  • Taylor Binnington 7/7/2015
      Best Response


    That's correct - the outcome is not affected. It's an artifact of the Diagram view only.

  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/8/2015
      Best Response


    Dear Taylor,

    Noted and thanks for the feedback.


    Mohd Adzmi