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    Topic: Demand AnalysisSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Camella Bailey 7/6/2015


    Dear Taylor,

    I am now trying to enter the values so that I can carry out a demand analysis for Jamaica. My chart is incorrect as i seem to be missing a basic step. Does this have to do with my parameters? Incorrect Units?

    Can you please look at the attachment for me?

    Kind regards


    Attachments:  Damand Analysis.pdf [12]
  • Taylor Binnington 7/6/2015
      Best Response



    Without more information, I can't tell you exactly what's wrong. But I can see that at least under many of your categories, you have not added any technology branches to consume energy - hence, you will not see any energy demand in the result view for those branches.

    Please review our help pages:


    I recommend these two to start, which I hope will help to answer your question:



    In summary, for an activity analysis, energy demand is calculated as the product of the Activity Level and the Final Energy Intensity of technologies which consume fuel. Your document attachment does not give me enough information about these variables to tell you where/how you have made a mistake.

  • Camella Bailey 7/8/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you. I am taking the next two days to reassess my steps.

