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    Topic: Using Daily Load Shape DataSubscribe | Previous | Next
  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/8/2015


    Hi everyone,

    I have daily load shape data
    e.g.: Hour 24: x mwh, Hour 48: y mwh .... hour 8760: n mwh)

    and not hourly

    e.g.: hour 1: x kwh, hour 2: y kwh .... hour 8760: n kwh.

    Is it possible to import this type of data to create the yearly shape or I have to basically breakdown the 24 hour data into hourly numbers?

    Appreciate any feedback

    Thank you

    MOhd Adzmi
  • Taylor Binnington 7/9/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Mohd,

    The "Import Hourly Shape" wizard (found in the Yearly Shapes window) is designed to import hourly data only. If you want to use this option, you'll need to downscale your daily data (note that if you've set up time slices with 8760 hours, then you can import a named Excel range that is 1*8760, 8760*1, 24*365 or 365*24 cells in dimension).

    Another option is to use the simpler "Import" function, also found in the Yearly Shapes window. This assumes that your load information in Excel is already divided among the appropriate time slices that you've set up in LEAP, and just imports values in a named Excel range directly into the load shape.

    I'd recommend first setting up your time slices in LEAP, then creating a blank load shape of the appropriate type (peak or energy), then export the blank load shape to Excel. You can then fill it as you wish using your daily data, and import it back into LEAP.

    Hope this helps,
  • Mohd Hafdzuan Adzmi 7/10/2015
      Best Response


    Hi Taylor,

    Thank you for the suggestion. I basically manually enter the values. But I am going to try this as it seems to save me more time.


    Mohd Adzmi